Crushing On

This month's Crush is a list of my favourite Instagram follows, with a European flair! 

Paris in Four Months - Every photo Carin takes is truly cinematic in its beauty. The perfect daydream of Paris. 

Maurice and King - Kate, a mother of two adorable boys, living in London, England, specializes in photos of the many colourful homes and neighbourhoods in London (she calls Chelsea home!).   

Jools Oliver - Sure, she may be best known as Jamie Oliver's wife, but her stylized Instagram photos make her special in her own right. You will SWOON over her picture-perfect, quintessentially British pics, and her four too-cute children. 

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Not Your Standard - This fashion-based Instagram is courtesy of Kayla--a Toronto born girl, who now calls Berlin home. You will love her style, and the many gorgeous European backdrops behind the clothes. 

Feeling Rosie


Need to get my hands on this beautiful book.


Bright and cheerful at Penney & Co. this week.


Checked out the St. Lawrence Market, and it was just as pretty at night as it is during the day.


My best dressed pick from the 2015 Golden Globes.


Love these British-inspired mugs and tins from Pineapple Street.