Happy Thoughts

My recent Bookmark book brought me a surprising amount of, well I have to admit, enlightenment. I shy away from admitting this, because it's a non-fictional novel aimed at 20 something girls...not your typical deep read. But maybe that's the beauty of it.

The quote that I read, and then re-read, was this, "Just the act of repetition itself—will bring enlightenment. Quantity becomes quality. If you do anything enough, if you keep putting effort in, eventually something will happen, with or without you. You don’t have to have faith when you start out, you just have to dedicate yourself to practice as if you have it."

This simple, yet profound truth can be applied to so many aspects of life. For some of us, it is working towards our dream careers, for others it is saving for their first home or even retirement, maybe even meeting that right someone. This is also a good practice for our mental health--repeating positive mantras (even if you don't believe them at first), pushing through grief or pain, day-by-day reminding yourself, that in time things will get better. Sometimes you have to work on blind faith, trusting that the universe has a way of working things out. As a wise fish once said, just keep swimming!