Feeling Rosie

It seems like I blinked and suddenly the Summer months came to an end. Mine was certainly a busy one. From working at the stores, to my own wedding and decor jobs, to my sister's dance studio opening, this Summer was certainly more work than play. Luckily, it's work I love and I can't wait to share what I have been up to! This weekend, we will be celebrating some important milestones--my dad's 60th birthday and my parent's 35th wedding anniversary. I hope you have an exciting weekend ahead, and without further ado, scroll for this week's Feeling Rosie

Photo booth fun at the Luna Dance Company Grand Opening!

Fall is officially here at Penney & Co. 

Fall is officially here at Penney & Co. 

Excited to announce Penney & Co. will be decorating Whitby's Lynde House for this year's Christmas House Tour

Luna dancers received a warm welcome on their first day of classes. 

This sums up my family's hard work this Summer!

Feeling Rosie


Made some fun Flower Pumpkin Arrangements.


They were perfect for our Thanksgiving table.


Loving this global corner at Penney & Co.


Customers were cozy on the couch at the Penney & Co Decor 101 Class - Accessorizing.


Enjoyed this quirky Parisian handbook, so much so, I already plan to read it again.

Pumpkin Flower Arrangements

After getting inspired, I convinced my cousins and sisters to try making pumpkin flower arrangements for our Thanksgiving centre pieces. We were genuinely amazed with the results, and how simple and fun it was to achieve them. The individual beauty of each one was so fun, and the possibilities are endless--imagine white pumpkins with dark purple peonies for Halloween!

Our final results.

The Thanksgiving table.

List of Items Required: 

  • Small to medium sized pumpkins (ours came from Linton's Farm Market in Oshawa)
  • Plastic cup or tupperware to act as the vase inside the pumpkin
  • Carving knife
  • Sharp sheers or scissors
  • Marker to trace the cup
  • Flowers (ours came from Pineapple Street in Whitby and our own backyard)
  • Container to save your pumpkin seeds
  • Time: Roughly one hour

Trace the rim of the cup on your pumpkin so yo know how much to carve (the cup will hold your flowers).

Getting distracted by this picture-perfect photo op!

Remove the guts and save those seeds (they make the perfect day-after snack).

After filling your cup with water and placing inside the pumpkin, pick your favourite flowers.

Trim your flowers as needed, making sure to remove any leaves that will be sitting in the water.

Check out our pumpkin head shots!

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Hope you're feeling inspired to try your own pumpkin flower arrangement :)

Feeling Rosie


Enjoyed an early birthday celebration at El Catrin, and couldn't help but snap the cool decor.

Inspired by this Non-Traditional Thanksgiving centrepiece. Blog post to come.

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Trust. Me. You're going to want to see inside this home! Get your Holiday House Tour tickets here.


Tess and I dressing like twins again--oxblood pants, cream lace and blazers.


Ah. It really is, isn't it?