It seems like I blinked and suddenly the Summer months came to an end. Mine was certainly a busy one. From working at the stores, to my own wedding and decor jobs, to my sister's dance studio opening, this Summer was certainly more work than play. Luckily, it's work I love and I can't wait to share what I have been up to! This weekend, we will be celebrating some important milestones--my dad's 60th birthday and my parent's 35th wedding anniversary. I hope you have an exciting weekend ahead, and without further ado, scroll for this week's Feeling Rosie.
Photo booth fun at the Luna Dance Company Grand Opening!
Fall is officially here at Penney & Co.
Excited to announce Penney & Co. will be decorating Whitby's Lynde House for this year's Christmas House Tour.
Luna dancers received a warm welcome on their first day of classes.
This sums up my family's hard work this Summer!